Make your plans to attend this year's
Conway, Arkansas Scriptorium!
1) We will be reciting the entire Book of Revelation from memory.
2) We will have a dramatic presentation of the Book of Ruth (all ages).
3) We will have Scripture Challenge Rounds. This is a fun way to encourage learning the truths of God's Word.
4) We will close out our weekend event with a
Picnic and an evangelistic outreach
(weather permitting).
5) We will again provide an opportunity for those interested in earning a cash prize for memorizing and learning God's Word. There is an opportunity to earn up to $100 ($80 for the challenge, plus and additional $20 at the Scriptorium) this year for memorizing God's Word!
Click each of the pictures on the right side of the page to learn more! >>>>>>>>>
Schedule for the Conway Scriptorium:
5:00-5:30 PM - Check in anytime during this time
5:30 PM - Free Dinner (sign-up required)
6:30 PM - Welcome and Songs
6:45 PM - Overview of the Book of Ruth
7:15 PM - Dramatic Presentation of the Book of Ruth
7:45 PM - Break
8:00 PM - Scripture Challenge Rounds #1
8:45 PM - Fellowship/Dessert
9:00 AM - Welcome and Songs
9:15 AM - Overview of the Book of Revelation
9:45 AM - Break
10:00 AM - Recitation of the Book of Revelation
10:40 AM - Break
10:50 AM - Recitation of the Book of Revelation
11:30 AM - Scripture Challenge Round #2
12:00 PM - Free Lunch (sign-up required)
1:00 PM - Discussion/Questions on the Book of Revelation
1:30 PM - Scripture Challenge Round #3
2:15 PM - Scripture Challenge Round FINALS
2:45 PM - Additional Recitations and Highlights
3:15 PM - Clean up and depart for Evangelism Outreach
3:30 PM - Picnic and Outreach
??? PM - Depart for hotels
Are you new to Scriptoriums and nervous about quoting Scripture in front of others? You are welcome to come and watch others recite and enjoy the fellowship around God's Word without registering for a passage. There is NO COST for this event and the meals are also free. However, please register below so we can plan for the meals. If you register to recite a passage, there is no need to fill out the meal registration in addition. Thank you! We hope to see you there.
Sponsored By:
815 Exchange Ave. Ste 101, Conway, Arkansas 72032
Phone: 501.459.5601