Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword...

Challenge Rounds

Scripture Challenge Rounds

One of the highlights of the Scriptorium is watching the fun and exciting Scripture Challenge Rounds. Teams of 4-6 contestants work together in a fast-paced buzzer round challenge. This year we will have a few new "twists" to the challenge to make it more exciting and competitive.

Those 7 and over, all the way up to 100, can participate. Sign up during the registration process and then start studying. Each week we will provide a Study Lesson to help you prepare for the Challenge Rounds. Of course, reading through Revelation multiple times and making notes of key events, people, and subjects will also be a great benefit to your preparation.

This year's prizes will be even bigger than last years, which were bigger than the year before. The key prize is of course learning the Word of God and gaining a deeper love and appreciation for Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. Plan to sign up for the Scripture Challenge Rounds when you register for the Scriptorium.

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