Answers to the Study Sheet Questions - Review for Test
Answers below are for a specific version, but they are very similar. No version specific questions will be on the test. For example, if a question asks how many times a word is used in your version, that question will not be on the test. The test will consist of multiple choice answers, Old Testament references to New Testament passages, some chapter content of main phrases/themes, and some short answer questions. The test should only take about 15 minutes and will consist of 50-60 questions. I'm confident each of you will do well.
Hebrews 1
1. What did God appoint his Son to be?: The heir of all things
2. Where is the quote in Hebrews 1:5a taken from?: Psalm 2:7
3. Where is the quote in Hebrews 1:5b taken from?: 2 Samuel 7:14
4. What are the angels to do to the Son in 1:6?: Worship Him
5. Jesus is repeatedly referred to in this chapter as better than who?: The angels
6. Hebrews 13:8 teaches the same truth about Jesus as what verse in Hebrews 1?: Hebrews 1:12
7. Where is the quote in Hebrews 1:13 taken from?: Psalm 110:1
8. Where is the quote in Hebrews 1:8-9 taken from?: Psalm 45:6-7
9. Where is the quote in Hebrews 1:10-12 taken from?: Psalm 102:25-27
10. How does God speak to us in the Last Days?: By His Son
Hebrews 2
1. According to Hebrews 2:16, who does God help?: The offspring of Abraham
2. How was Christ perfected according to this chapter?: Sufferings
3. Where is the quote in Hebrews 2:6-8 taken from?: Psalm 8:4-6
4. What is Jesus not ashamed to call those who are sanctified?: Brothers
5. How did Jesus destroy the one who has the power of death, the devil?: Through death
6. Why must we pay close attention to/give earnest heed to what we have heard?: Lest we slip/drift away from it
7. Where is the quote in Hebrews 2:12 taken from?: Psalm 22:22
8. What did Jesus partake/take part of with us?: Flesh and blood
9. How are the gifts of the Holy Spirit/Holy Ghost distributed?: According to God's own will
10. We will not escape if we neglect what?: So great salvation
Hebrews 3
1. What is the evidence that “we are his house” in Chapter 3?: If we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
2. Where in the Psalms is the quote in Hebrews 3:7-11 taken from?: Psalm 95:7-11
3. What Old Testament passage is referred to in Hebrews 3:10?: Numbers 14:22-24
4. Why should believers exhort/encourage one another every day?: Lest any be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin
5. Do you think it is common in many churches for believers to encourage/exhort others daily?: No
6. Read Hebrews 3:19 and Psalm 78:22. Were the majority of Israelites believers?: No
7. What verses in 1 Corinthians 10 make reference to Hebrews 3:17?: 1 Cor. 10:5-11
8. What Old Testament verse tells us that Moses was faithful in God’s house?: Numbers 12:7
9. How can we know if we have come to know if we share/partake/partner with Christ?: If we hold the beginning of our confidence steadfast unto the end.
10. How many times is today/to day mentioned in Hebrews 3?: 3
Hebrews 4
1. How many times is "rest" mentioned in your version of chapter 4?: 9
2. What verse in the Old Testament teaches us that God rested from all his works?: Genesis 2:2
3. What three verses in chapter 4 reference the unbelief/disobedience /lack of faith of Israel?: 2, 6, 11
4. What three verses in Revelation 1 and 2 reference a sword?: 1:16, 2:12, 2:16
5. The words "high priest" are used in Hebrews 15 times. List any three verses.: 2:17, 3:1, 4:14
6. List any three things that describe the Word of God in Hebrews 4:12?: quick, powerful, two-edged sword
7. Since Jesus is our Great High Priest, what should we do?: Hold fast our profession
8. Hebrews 4:14 mentions the "throne of grace". What verse in chapter 1 mentions that Jesus' throne is "forever and ever?": 1:8
9. How should believers come to the throne of grace?: Boldly/with confidence
10. According to Hebrews 4, what must we do to enter into his rest?: Labor
Hebrews 5
1. Where is the quote in Hebrews 5:6 taken from?: Psalm 110:4
2. How did Jesus learn obedience?: By the things which He suffered
3. Where is the quote in Hebrews 5:5 taken from?: Psalm 2:7
4. What two things does the High Priest offer?: Gifts and sacrifices for sins
5. Hebrews 5:9 tells us of Jesus "being made/having been made perfect." What verse in chapter 2 tells us that Jesus was made perfect AND how was he made perfect?: 2:10, through suffering
6. What is the description given of God's Word in Hebrews 5?: The oracles of God, milk, solid food, the word of righteousness
7. Hebrews 5:12-13 speak of milk. What verse in 1 Peter mentions that newborns also need milk?: 1 Peter 2:2
8. What verse teaches us that God is the one who called/designated Jesus to be our High Priest after the order of Melchisedek?: 5:10
9. Jesus is called the Author/Source of all who do what?: That obey Him
10. Why didn't the author of Hebrews say more about the topic of Melchisedek?: The people were dull of hearing, desiring milk and not ready for meat
Hebrews 6
1. Where is the quote in Hebrews 6:14 taken from?: Genesis 22:17
2. According to Hebrews 6:1, how many elementary doctrines/principles does the author list?: 6
3. What is to be the end of the plant that bears thorns/thistles/briers?: To be burned
4. Verse 18 refers to two unchangeable/immutable things, what might those two things be? The answer is found in verses 13-17. God cannot lie & God swore by himself (oath)
5. What does 6:4-6 teach is impossible to happen if one has fallen away?: To be renewed again unto repentance
6. What to ways in Hebrews 6 are we told that God is not unjust/unrighteous?: To forget our work and our labor of love
7. Jesus is a high priest forever after the order of who?: Melchisedec
8. According to 6:6, what are those who fall away doing to the Son of God?: Crucifying Him afresh and putting Him to an open shame
9. What did Abraham do in regard to the promise in verse 15: he patiently endured until the promise was received.
10. How many times is hope mentioned in chapter 6?: 3
Hebrews 7
1. Where is Melchisedek first mentioned in the Bible?: Genesis 14:18
2. What does the word "Salem" mean in Hebrews 7?: Peace
3. What tribe was Jesus descended from?: Judah
4. According to Hebrews 7:15-16, Jesus was made/became a priest based on what?: The power of an endless life
5. What two things about the law were reasons the former commandment was set aside/disannulled?: Because of the law's weakness and unprofitableness
6. We are told under the Old Covenant that there were many priests. Why was that?: They were not able to continue because they died
7. Hebrews 7:26 tells us that Jesus, our high priest is separated/separate from what?: sinners
8. Jesus is able to save all who come/draw near to God in verse 25. How is this salvation described?: Being saved to the uttermost
9. Why does Jesus not need to offer continual sacrifices for sin?: Jesus offered up Himself once for all
10. Since Jesus is separate from sinners, what are believers called in Hebrews 6:10?: saints
Hebrews 8
1. Where is the quote in Hebrews 8:5 taken from in the Old Testament?: Exodus 25:40
2. Where is the quote in Hebrews 8:8-12 taken from in the Old Testament?: Jeremiah 31:31-34
3. In Hebrews 8:13, the "first" covenant is mentioned. What covenant in the Old Testament is referred to in this verse as the "first" covenant?: The Mosaic Covenant
4. Read Galatians 4:21-28. Two covenants are mentioned here also. What covenant was made at Mount Sinai? (This relates to question 3 also).: The Mosaic Covenant
5. Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-18. Here again two covenants are referred to. Who administered the first covenant?: Moses
6. Where is Jesus seated?: On the right hand of the throne of the majesty in the heavens
7. What do we learn about the first covenant in Hebrews 8:7?: There were faults with the first covenant
8. In Hebrews 8:13, what happened to the first covenant?: It decayed, waxed old, and vanished away
9. In Hebrews 8:5, what two words are used to describe those things associated with the Old Covenant?: Example/shadow
10. When does the Bible teach the New Covenant went into effect?: When Jesus, the testator or one who made it, died
Hebrews 9
1. Hebrews 9:4 speaks of the "tables (tablets) of the covenant". Read Exodus 34:28. What are the "tables (tablets) of the covenant" called in Exodus?: The Ten commandments
2. According to Hebrews 9:4, Aaron's staff/rod budded. What Old Testament passage tells us about this?: Numbers 17:8
3. What cannot happen without the shedding of blood?: Remission of sin
4. What comes after death in Hebrews 9?: The Judgment
5. What must take place before a will/testament/covenant can take effect?: The Testator/one who made it must die
6. How many times is "blood" mentioned in this chapter in your version?: 10
7. According to Hebrews 9:26, Christ appeared/has been manifested for what purpose?: To put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself
8. Hebrews 9:1 speaks of the "first covenant". What is the Old Testament name for that covenant?: The Mosaic Covenant (Law)
9. What two things did the High Priest have to offer blood for in the Old Testament?: Himself and the errors of the people
10. Hebrews 9:5 mentions the mercy seat. The same Greek word for mercy seat is used in Romans 3:25. What is the word in Romans 3:25 in your translation?: Propitiation
Hebrews 10
1. What Old Testament passage is Hebrews 10: 5 taken from?: Psalm 40:6
2. What was the Lord more concerned about than sacrifices and offerings?: That we would be sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus
3. What gives us confidence/boldness to enter the holy place?: The blood of Jesus
4. What did Christ do after he offered himself as the one time/single sacrifice for sins?: Sat down on the right hand of God
5. What Old Testament passage is Hebrews 10:16 taken from?: Jeremiah 31:33
6. Hebrews 10:30 speaks of vengeance belonging to the Lord. What Old Testament AND New Testament passages use the same phrase?: Deut. 32:35, 43; Ps. 94:1; Romans 12:19
7. What did the believers have need of in verse 36 so that they might receive the promise?: Patience/endurance
8. What happens to those who shrink or draw back in 10:39?: perdition, destroyed, destruction
9. What did the believers have to endure in 10:32?: A great fight of afflictions
10. What do we learn about God in 10:23?: God is Faithful
Hebrews 11
1. Faith is described in what two ways in Hebrews 11:1?: substance/assurance of things hoped for, evidence/conviction of things not seen
2. What is impossible to do without faith?: To please God
3. What enables us to understand that God created/framed the worlds/universe?: Faith
4. What chapter in the Old Testament describes what Abraham did in Hebrews 11:17?: Genesis 22
5. How old was Sarah when Isaac was born?: 90 years old
6. What two words describe the kind of country those were were faithful desired?: Better/heavenly country
7. According to Hebrews 10:19, what hope did Abraham have regarding Isaac?: That God would raise him up, even from the dead
8. Read Hebrews 10:38. What verse in Hebrews 11:1-21 gives us the same idea as the last half of Hebrews 10:38?: 11:6
9. How old was Enoch when he was taken up/translated?:
10. In Hebrews 11:8, Abraham/Abram was called to go out of his country. How old was he when he left Haran?: 75
Hebrews 11b
1. How old was Jacob when he died?:
2. What verse in Genesis tells us about Joseph's instructions to his brothers about carrying his bones?: Genesis 50:25
3. How many times is Moses mentioned in the book of Hebrews?: 11
4. What are we told Moses did not fear?: The wrath/anger of the king
5. What New Testament verse teaches that Christ is our Passover?: I Corinthians 5:7
6. What New Testament passage mentions Rahab besides Hebrews 11:31?: James 2:25
7. What Old Testament verse tells us that the walls of Jericho fell?: Joshua 6:20
8. In Hebrews 11:33-35, how many things were mentioned that were accomplished through faith?: 11
9. In Hebrews 11:36-37, how many other things are described as difficult things people of faith faced?: 8
10. Read Hebrew 11:2 and 11:39. What is obtained by faith?: A good report/commendation/approval/testimony
Hebrews 12
1. Hebrews 12:2 tells us that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. What other three chapters in the book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus is at the right hand of God?: 1, 8, 10
2. What two things should we NOT do according to Hebrews 12:3?: Be weary or faint in our minds
3. What two things are necessary to see the Lord according to Hebrews 12:14?: Peace, Holiness
4. What Old Testament verse tells us that Esau despised his birthright?: Genesis 25:34
5. What does the word "despise" mean as it relates to Esau's birthright?: To hold as insignificant, to hate, to sell
6. Since our God is described as a consuming fire in verse 29, how are we to worship/serve Him?: With reverence and Godly fear, awe
7. According to Hebrews 12:22-24, how many things have we come to/unto?: 8
8. The Christian life is to be viewed as a fight. What have we not resisted to in our striving against sin?: Blood
9. How can a person know if they are loved by God and one of his children according to Hebrews 12?: If they receive chastisement/discipline from the Lord
10. What does discipline/chastening produce in those who are trained by it?: The peaceable/peaceful fruit of righteousness
Hebrews 13
1. What is the Greek word for "love" in Hebrews 13:1? (Use a Bible program or concordance to find this out).: Philadelphia
2. What Old Testament character are we told showed hospitality to strangers in Genesis?: Lot
3. What two groups of people are we to remember according to Hebrews 13:3?: Those in bonds and those that suffer adversity
4. What two groups of people will God judge according to Hebrews 13:4?: Whoremongers/sexually immoral/fornicators and adulterers
5. What verse in chapter 1 of Hebrews teaches the same truth about Jesus as Hebrews 13:8?: 1:12
6. By what should our hearts be established/strengthened/confirmed?: Grace
7. Hebrews 13:12 teaches that Jesus suffered outside the gate/camp. What verses in Hebrews 2 and Hebrews 5 also teach Jesus suffered?: 2:10; 5:8
8. According to Hebrews 13:12, how did Jesus sanctify his people?: Through His own blood
9. What two things are Christians to do according to Hebrews 13:13?: Go forth to Christ without the camp/gate and bear His reproach
10. Blood is a major theme in the book of Hebrews. How many times does the word "blood" appear in your translation in the book of Hebrews?: 20