Hebrews 4:12  For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword...

Earn 2025

Earn while you Learn!

Earn Rewards for Memorizing God's Word!

Earn a cash reward for memorizing Scripture and learn along the way!

Details for our 2025 Challenge will be coming soon.

Registration opens on December 27, 2024!

Learn the Details Weekly Progress Form REGISTER FOR THE CHALLENGE

Memorize select chapters from Revelation and the Old Testament

that relate to Jesus as the Lamb who is worthy!

Each month, memorize the chapters for the current level.

Complete a weekly form showing your progress.

After you recite your chapter for the week to a family member or friend, visit the website and update your progress.

Earn a $20 cash reward for completing each level of the challenge.

After completing each level of the challenge you earn $20. Completing all four levels earns you a $80 cash reward.

Attend the Conway Scriptorium to have the opportunity to earn an additional cash reward.

Attend the Conway Scriptorium and you can earn an additional reward for your work.

How it works

Register to participate in the challenge. Then begin memorizing the chapters listed.

Read the rules for the challenge and register here.

Each week complete a form on the website showing your progress.

Complete the online form and update your memory work.

Once a month join our Zoom call with other memorizers and recite one of the chapters.

At the beginning of Feb, Mar, Apr, and May we will have a Zoom call where you will recite one of your chapters.

Complete the entire challenge and claim your $80 cash reward!

By completing all four levels you earn an $80 cash reward.

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