- The name of the challenge will be “Earn While You Learn.”
- There is
no cost to participate in this challenge.
- The challenge is sponsored by Scriptoriums.com. The staff of Scriptoriums.com reserves the right to make decisions regarding the program as well as to modify the rules of the challenge, as long as the initial offering of rewards is fully met. Since this is a new idea, there may be some issues to work through as questions arise. Any questions that arise will be decided by the staff of Scriptoriums.com.
- The goal of the challenge is to encourage Scripture memory and meditation. New memory work will be rewarded. Previous memorization of books of the Bible will also be rewarded based on our guidelines.
- Registration for the challenge will begin on December 1, 2022, and end at midnight on December 31, 2022.
- The challenge will last for six months beginning on January 1, 2023, and end at midnight on June 30, 2023.
- All first-time memory work and first quoting of books/passages is to be completed by midnight on June 30, 2023, to earn rewards.
- Books and passages to be quoted as follow up to earn rewards must be completed by June 30, 2024.
- Those participating in the challenge will need to submit a monthly update form online showing their progress and goals for the upcoming month. Monthly updates are to be submitted between the 1st and 5th of the month.
- Each verse quoted and verified from a book not previously memorized is eligible to earn 25 cents for the first quoting, 10 cents for the requote, and another 15 cents for the final requote. This means each verse can earn a maximum of 50 cents.
- Each verse quoted and verified from a book previously memorized is eligible to earn 10 cents for the first quoting, and another 15 cents for the final requote. The means each verse previously memorized before the challenge began can earn a maximum of 25 cents.
- Participants under the age of 18 would need a parent’s or guardian’s signature.
- The maximum amount any one person can earn during the entire challenge is $500.
- Anyone residing in the USA, regardless of age, is eligible to register and earn rewards. Registration for those outside of the USA is subject to approval from the staff at Scriptoriums.com. Those residing outside the USA would need to have a recommendation from an approved USA citizen. Rewards for those outside of the USA would be distributed to the approved USA citizen for distribution to the participant if a cash reward is chosen.
- Registration is limited for the initial challenge to the first 25 people who register at Scriptoriums.com. Since we have no idea of the initial amount of interest, limiting the number of participants enables us to ensure we have the funds to fulfill the rewards.
- The staff of Scriptoriums.com may also add additional registrants above 25 after assessing the goals of the initial registrants to determine the availability of funds. Such additions to the number of registrants is based solely on the decision of the staff of Scriptoriums.com.
- Additional challenges may be added in the future at the discretion of the staff of Scriptoriums.com.
- The approved translations for the challenge are as follows: KJV, NKJV, NASB, ESV and NIV. While many people use Paraphrases such as The Living Bible (TLB) and the New Living Translation (NLT) and The Message (MSG), these are not acceptable for the challenge. If you use a different translation from one of the approved five translations listed above, prior approval is needed to earn rewards.
- Each new verse learned from a book of the Bible after the challenge begins will earn 25 cents. For example, if you memorize the book of Philippians (104 verses x .25), you will earn $26. Your book would be recited for verification and $26 would be added to your account. Rewards are paid out once you have earned at least $25. You instruct us how you want to redeem the rewards based on our three options. Rewards will be distributed within ten days of your request to redeem a reward. See REDEEMING REWARDS for more details.
- Each previously learned verse from a book of the Bible before the challenge began will earn 10 cents upon the initial quoting. For example, if you already learned the book of Romans (75% or more) before the challenge began, you can still earn $43.00 (430 verses x .10) once you quote the book and have it verified. You can then requote the book between three to six months after the first quoting and earn an additional 15 cents per verse.
- Previously learned verses that are quoted to earn 10 cents for the initial quoting can then be requoted to earn another 15 cents. This requoting must take place three to six months after your initial quoting of the book. In this example, if you memorized Romans prior to the challenge beginning, you could quote it the first time and earn a $43.00 reward (430 verses x .10), then you can requote it between three to six months later and earn another $64.50 reward (430 verses x .15). Your total earnings in this example would $107.50 for a book that was memorized prior to the beginning of the challenge.
- Three to six months after you memorize a new book and recite it accurately you are allowed to requote a book and earn an additional 10 cents per verse. Three to six months after that quoting, you are allowed to earn 15 cents for the next requote. There must always be a three to sixth month space between requotes. For example, if you memorize the book of Philippians, you earn $26 (104 verses x .25). Three to six months later you can requote the book and earn an additional $10.40 (104 verses x .10). Again, three to six months later you can requote the book and earn an additional 15 cents per verse ($15.60). Your total earnings for the book of Philippians would then be $52.00.
- Rewards are earned based on a 50+ verse minimum quoted in one sitting. For example, learning a 5 verse Psalm and reciting it would not qualify for a reward. Entire books or approved passages would need to be recited in 50+ verse groups to earn a reward. For example, if you are memorizing the book of 1 Timothy, you could memorize and recite chapters 1-3 (51 verses) in one sitting, then memorize chapters 4-6 (66 verses) and recite them in another sitting. See MEMORIZING BOOKS AND PASSAGES below for more details.
- Singing a passage from memory is allowed. Errors will be counted and must be within the limit to earn a reward.
- If a family or group is reciting/singing a passage together, only one reward will be given to the entire group. Those who are a part of that family/group would not be allowed to earn an individual award as well for the same passage.
- Rewards can be redeemed after earning at least $25 in rewards. For example, reciting 50 verses would earn $12.50 for a newly learned book. After two groups of 50 verses are memorized and recited, you would have earned $25.00 and could then redeem your rewards.
- Rewards can be redeemed in one of three ways. 1) A donation to a ministry that you choose that is on our list of mission/ministry organizations. 2) A cash reward that is sent directly to you. This would generally come in the form of a check but could also be through other means (gift card, Paypal, Zelle, etc.) as determined by the staff at Scriptoriums.com. 3) A donation to a ministry that you choose from our list that distributes Bibles. Your rewards can be redeemed in various ways. For example, if you have earned $50 in rewards you can redeem $25 to go to a mission organization, and $25 as a cash reward. If you then earn another $25, you can choose any method of redemption. The choice is up to you each time you redeem your rewards.
- Rewards can be redeemed online. Simply complete the "Earnings and Recitation Form"
- If you earn $400 or more in cash rewards during the challenge, the IRS expects you to file a tax return showing your earnings. Since the maximum cash reward is under $600, a 1099 is not required by the IRS and will not be issued by Scriptoriums.com.
- Memorizing books of the Bible is the desired goal. However, some books are shorter than 50 verses. For example, the book of Philemon is only 25 verses. Therefore, books can be added together to reach the 50-verse minimum for earning a reward. For example, if you want to memorize the book of Philemon (25) verses, you will need to choose another book/pre-approved passage to reach 50 verses to earn a reward. The book of Jude is 25 verses. This would qualify for a reward when you have memorized and recited both books together to reach the 50-verse minimum.
- Separate passages can also be combined to reach the 50-verse minimum with prior approval from Scriptoriums.com. For example, if someone wanted to memorize Psalms 1-6, this would qualify for the 50-verse minimum. Because this is not a complete book, it would require prior approval. For passages that are not complete books, simply fill out the proper form and send it to us for approval BEFORE memorizing the passages. The purpose of this is to encourage memorizing books and longer passages, as opposed to a group of small passages adding up to 50 verses. However, we do allow for longer passages (Psalm 119 for example) with prior approval.
- Books that have been memorized prior to the beginning of the challenge registration (December 1, 2022) are considered books that you have memorized in the past if you have already memorized over 75% of the book. These books are still able to earn rewards but would earn only 10 cents per verse for the initial quoting, and then 15 cents per verse for the requote in three to six months.
- Verses need to be recited in blocks of 50 verses or more. For example, if you are memorizing the Book of Romans for the first time (433 verses), you could recite the book by dividing it into multiple chapters that equal 50+ verses. Once you have completed two 50 verse groups (100+ verses), you could redeem the reward.
- Verification of your verses would take place either through a video sent to Scriptoriums.com or by reciting to a proctor, usually a parent or pastor. The verification process is determined by Scriptoriums.com. A verification form would be sent in by the participant once the verses are recited and verified and signed by the participant and the proctor. Once the form is received and processed, rewards will be distributed within ten days. While most verifications will be by a parent or approved proctor, video uploads may be required at times for verification.
- Three to six months after you have recited your book and earned your reward, you are eligible to recite the book again (in 50+ verse blocks) to earn your additional reward (10 cents or 15 cents depending on whether it is the first or second requote).
- The goal for each recitation should be no errors. However, we understand that errors do occur despite the carefulness one puts into memorizing a passage. Therefore, for each 50 verses quoted, 5 errors are allowed. For example, if you quote 50 verses and have 0-5 errors, you will receive the reward. If you have 6 or more errors, you will need to requote the passage again until you have 0-5 errors. You can requote as often as necessary, as long as your recitation has 0-5 errors the final time.
- The allowable errors works out to one error per 10 verses. For example, if you are quoting the book of 1 Timothy in two separate times (Chapter 1-3, 51 verses) you would be allowed 5 errors. When you quote chapters 4-6, (66 verses) you would be allowed 6 errors.
- Errors would consist of the following: 1) Adding an additional word 2) Missing a word 3) Transposing two words 4) Using a wrong word 5) Using the wrong verb tense 6) Using the plural form of a word instead of the singular form or vice versa 7) Asking for a prompt would count as one error for each word given as a prompt. 8) If a phrase is left out, each word of the phrase is an error. For example, if the phrase “and it came to pass” was omitted, it would count as 5 errors.
- If a
family or group recites together, the number of errors is still limited to a total of 5 per 50 verses.
- During the registration process, each person will be asked to fill out a registration form. This form will include information such as name, address, email, and Bible translation. In addition, each registrant will be asked to list any previous books of the Bible that have been memorized (75% or more), along with a list of their goals for the six-month challenge. This will allow us to assess the amount of funds needed should each person reach their goals.
- The entire goal does not need to be met to be eligible for the rewards, but that should be the desire. Setting realistic goals is encouraged. For example, we understand that one might set the goal of memorizing Philippians, Ephesians, and Colossians; but circumstances change and only Philippians was memorized. The reward for memorizing Philippians will still be given, even though the goal of memorizing three books was not met as long as 50+ verses were memorized.
- Partial goals can also be rewarded in 50+ verse groups. For example, if the goal is set to memorize the book of Matthew, but only Matthew 1-8 is reached by June 30, 2023, rewards are earned for each 50+ group of verses that is quoted.
- Likewise, if a participant memorizes all the books on the list of goals, additional goals can be set and rewards earned up to a maximum $500 in earnings for the entire challenge (including quotes and requotes).
- Monthly updates are required to track your progress. Between the first and fifth day of February, March, April, May, and June, participants are asked to fill out a brief
update form stating their current progress and the verses they are expecting to memorize for the month.
- An email from
info@scriptoriums.com will be sent out at the end of the month reminding you to send in your progress and goals for the upcoming month.
Our family’s goal is to glorify God in all we do. When we started the Scriptoriums.com website in 2015, our desire was to see the Word of God memorized by many people. We are thankful for the many Scriptorium events we have helped organize across the country to reach that goal. We are still continuing this effort going forward. Scriptorium events were started by Scripture Memory Fellowship in 2006 and are continuing on. We have not changed our name or our purpose. Our desire is to keep this work going forward.
This challenge is a new idea, and we hope it is a blessing to many to encourage the memorization and retention of God’s Word. We suspect there will be aspects of this challenge that we haven’t thought of while writing these rules for the challenge. Please be understanding as issues may arise during the challenge. We seek to be just in our decisions according to the Word of God.
If you have a question or see an issue with these rules, please let us know. We welcome your feedback.
Resources are limited, so we need to see how this challenge goes. If it turns out well, we may do it in the future if additional donors can be secured. Please pray for this work and encourage others to participate. If possible, join one of the Scriptorium events or other Bible memory events being held across the country. You can find these events at
Thank you for participating!
May Christ be Magnified!
Dan, Heather, Ellia, and Faith Pentimone
If you have read rules of the challenge and would like to participate, please complete the registration form by clicking the "Register Now" button below.
Updated 11.30.22
Registration for the current challenge is now closed. Check back in June to see if another challenge will begin. That is our hope. Thank you for your interest.